You Can Fix Your Smile With A One-Day Dental Crown

Steve has a broken tooth.

Sally has a cracked tooth.

Sam has a large cavity.

And Sophia has one tooth that is darker than the rest of her smile.

There is a dental service that will help all four of these patients. And if they come to our office in Florence, SC, they can get their teeth fixed in one day.

Dental crowns can do a lot for your smile. We would love to show you how at Advanced Dental Center. Just call (843) 588-1919 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.

How To Fix A Broken Tooth

If you are reading this, then you already know that broken teeth can happen for a lot of reasons.

We see more patients than we would like who fell down trying to do some chores, who walked into something because they got distracted, or who got hit in the mouth with a ball during what was supposed to be a fun game of catch. We won’t try to list every reason you could break your teeth, but we will explain how you can fix it.

When you have a broken tooth, it can make you feel self-conscious about your smile. When you have a broken tooth, it can make it difficult to bite or chew certain foods. And when you have a broken tooth, you may have a sharp edge that could cut your lips, cheeks, or tongue.

The first step in getting a dental crown is preparing the tooth. For a patient with a broken tooth, we will reshape it to create an abutment to support the crown.

Using digital technology, we can design a crown that will blend in naturally with the rest of the patient’s smile. When your crown is ready, we will bond it to your tooth, and you will be ready to go on with your day.

Our crowns look and function like natural teeth. You can restore your smile as well as your ability to eat the foods that you love.

Fixing Cracked, Decayed, And Discolored Teeth

The process for fixing cracked, decayed, and discolored teeth is virtually the same as what we described above for broken teeth.

We will reshape the tooth to remove the portion that is cracked, decayed, or discolored. This will leave the abutment to support your crown. Once the crown is complete, your tooth will be as good or better than it was before.

Why We Can Make Your Dental Crown In One Visit

We offer CEREC same-day dental crowns at our Florence, SC, dentist office. With this technology, we can design your crown using computer-aided design software. That information can be shared with our in-office milling machine, which will use the design to turn a ceramic cube into a crown for you.

After the crown is formed, we can glaze, bake, and shade it to match the color of the rest of your teeth. Then we check the fit and bond it to your tooth.

It will look so natural you might even forget which one of your teeth has been restored.

This isn’t an option at every dentist office. Many dentists are still doing things the old way. This means preparing your tooth, making impressions, and sending them to a lab. It may take weeks for the lab to complete your crown and ship it back to the dentist’s office before it can be bonded to your tooth.

In the meantime, you may be stuck with a loose-fitting temporary crown. Hopefully, it will stay in place until your permanent crown is ready. This temporary crown’s primary purpose is to protect your tooth against bacteria and decay, after all.

We would rather not take those kinds of chances with your smile. We prefer to place permanent crowns as soon as possible to reduce the risk of any unwanted and unnecessary problems.

We Would Be Happy To Restore Your Smile

We sincerely hope you never end up with a broken, cracked, or decayed tooth. We would prefer it if all our patients keep their teeth intact.

But our more than 200 years of combined dental experience has shown us that these things are going to happen. Maybe they won’t happen to you, but they could just as easily happen to someone you care about.

If you ever need a dental crown, don’t hesitate to call (843) 588-1919 to make an appointment with our team at Advanced Dental Center. You can also use our online form to book. Don’t delay when you could fix your smile in one day.

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