Should You Talk To a Dentist About Better Sleep? (quiz)

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder. People with this condition stop breathing when they fall asleep, and these stoppages can occur dozens and even hundreds of times every night.

This can increase your risk of a variety of heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, and strokes among other health problems. Sleep apnea symptoms also include sleep deprivation, which makes drivers more than twice as likely to be involved in accidents.

At Advanced Dental Center of Florence, SC, we want you and the people you love to get deep, healthy sleep. Our newest dentist, Dr. Daniel Visel, is certified to help diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea.

Take our short quiz below. Then call (843) 588-1919 or contact us online to find out how a dentist could help you or someone you love get a better night’s sleep.

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