Enjoy A Full Smile With Mini Dental Implants

Getting bigger isn’t always better. In fact, going small can produce lasting results. Mini dental implants are a great example of this.

At our Florence, SC dental practice, we have seen how life-changing they can be. Minis give us the ability to help more people restore healthy, strong, and natural-looking smiles. If you are missing a single tooth or all of your teeth, mini implants could be just what you need to rebuild your smile.

Call (843) 588-1919 today to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors at Advanced Dental Center.

Get What You Want …

Modern dental implants have been around since the 1960s. They have proven to be a remarkably effective solution to help patients secure and strengthen their replacement teeth.

Unfortunately, no everyone is a good candidate for standard implants. When you lose teeth, one of the consequences often is a loss of bone density in your jaw. As a result, you may not have enough bone structure to hold implants in place.

Mini implants are one of the innovations that have made it possible for more people to get the benefits of implant-supported dentures and bridges. From our own experience, these replacement teeth can be as strong as natural teeth.

… For Less

We like to say that mini implants give you “less” than standard implants. That is a good thing. It’s also why you may be interested in minis even if you could get standard implants.

They are less invasive. Because they are smaller, they can be placed more easily than standard implants. That also helps explains the next benefit …

You need less recovery time. Because of their size, your body can heal more quickly after getting minis compared to larger implants.

They are less costly. This works on two levels. First, mini implants themselves are usually less expensive than standard implants. Second, mini implants can spare you the need for an additional procedure called a bone graft to rebuild your jawbone so you can get standard implants.

Count On Quality Care

Our goal is to help every patient feel like they have strong, healthy teeth. To ensure your implants are placed where they provide the most benefit, we use some advanced technology at our office.

Our 3D imaging equipment allows us to better assess the condition of your jaw. That also helps us plan where to place each individual implant. After you have your implants, we also can use platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to reduce the time you need to heal.

That means you can start enjoying the full benefits of your implant-supported teeth sooner. Eat the foods that you love. Speaking normally and naturally, and smile with confidence, too.

We also offer dental sedation to make your procedure as pain-free and worry-free as it can be.

Talk To Us About Your Smile

Don’t fuss over slippery dentures. Quit feeling frustrated about your lost teeth. Talk to our team at Advanced Dental Center in Florence, SC, to learn how to rebuild your smile. Contact us online or call (843) 588-1919 to request an appointment.

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