Author: adc_admin
Keep Your Toothbrush Routine Safe [Video]
April 26, 2020
Do you find yourself with more questions than answers these days? We know how you feel! There is so much that is unknown about our country’s situation, but there is one thing we know for certain: we miss your smile! We want to make it as easy as possible for you to …
Read MoreMake the Most of Your Days at Home with these 9 tips [Infographic]
April 21, 2020
Being stuck at home is not much fun, and we’re all feeling the weight of uncertainty right now. There are a lot of mixed emotions as we cheer for our essential workers, worry over the loss of jobs, and mourn everything that is being lost like social gatherings, sports seasons, and more. …
Read MoreDaily Flossing Makes A Difference (video)
April 16, 2020
This week, we are continuing our efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 just as you and your loved ones are. We hope you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy during this difficult time. We also want to reiterate the importance of caring for your oral health. We can help …
Read MoreSchedule Your Oral Cancer Screening When You Can
April 11, 2020
First and foremost, everyone at Advanced Dental Center hopes you and your loved ones are happy and healthy. We also want you to remain that way for as long as possible. We have all learned recently how quickly the world can change due to illness. That’s true both for infections like Covid-19 …
Read MoreDo What You Can To Stay Healthy At Home (infographic)
April 6, 2020
This is a difficult time in our community, our state, and our country. Yet, we are confident that we will get through this, and we’ll be stronger for it. Our team at Advanced Dental Center wants you and your loved ones to remain healthy during this time. To help, we are sharing …
Read MoreSedation Can Help Ease Your Dental Anxiety (video)
April 1, 2020
Dental anxiety can keep you from getting the care that you need. At Advanced Dental Center, we want you to have the healthy smile that you deserve. That’s why we offer a number of comfort items, including dental sedation, at our office in Florence, SC. Margie is one of the many patients …
Read MoreDon’t Lose Your Smile To Teeth Grinding (video)
March 26, 2020
TMJ disorders are painful, and they can disrupt your daily life. Frequent headaches, facial pains, and jaw pain and stiffness all may be the result of teeth grinding. This short video by the American Dental Association has more information about TMJ issues. You can get relief from TMJ and teeth grinding in …
Read MoreGet Comfortable At Our General Dentist Office (video)
March 21, 2020
Feeling comfortable going to your general dentist can make a big difference in your long-term oral health. At Advanced Dental Center, we want you to keep your smile for life, which is why we do everything we can to reduce our patients’ dental anxiety. Mandy has experienced this patient-first approach firsthand. If …
Read MoreIt’s A Good Time For A Dental (Spring) Cleaning (infographic)
March 11, 2020
As you are doing your Spring cleaning around your home this year, remember to schedule a dental cleaning and exam at Advanced Dental Center, too. Just like a regular deep clean is good for maintaining your home, a professional cleaning can keep your smile healthy and looking its best. You can pair …
Read MoreContact Us During Your Dental Emergency (video)
March 6, 2020
No one wants to have a dental emergency, but they are more common than most people realize. Toothaches happen. Teeth break, crack, and get knocked out of their sockets. Thankfully, you can call to get emergency dental care at our office in Florence, SC. In the video below, Dr. Devon Parks discusses …
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